stone relief of one of the Elohim (ab-kar-lu) from the principle
room of the Khorsabad palace of Sargon 2nd 720 BC

1:25 English translation from the Jerusalem Bible
God made every kind of wild beast, every cattle and
every kind of reptile. God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:25 Modern, critical interpretation of the earliest
Hebrew Text and an Alternative Genesis The Elohim
busied themselves with (cared for) all kinds of wildlife on
the land and all kinds of domesticated animals which were plentiful
on the ground. The Elohim took delight in them all.
This specific interpretational analysis is summarised as follows
(OBrien and OBrien, 1997): The Elohim were not
making animals, but caring for them and tending them, as all
good farmers do.
Post script: Current genetic knowledge now recognises
the application of advanced scientific knowledge and practice,
in the domestication of wild plants and animals from around
9,000 BC, in what would appear from the evidence, to be a re-start
of civilisation after major catastrophe.
In the current confrontational debate between creationists and
evolutionists both parties need to address their misunderstandings
of past events.