in a study of these remains (Bodmin Moor Stone Circles and Cairns)
there can be no certainty concerning their designers - other
than an overwhelming mass of substantial evidence - unless some
definitive artefact, or intelligible record, should be unearthed.
In Cornwall, there seems little likelihood of this, unless some
inspired archaeologist should stumble on a find equivalent to
that of Kainum, son of Arpachshad - a grandson of Noah:
[JUB VIII:3-4 VB] And he found a writing which former generations
had carved upon a rock, and he read what was thereon, and he
transcribed (it) and sinned [sic] owing to it, for it contained
the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used
to observe the omens of the Sun and Moon and Stars in all the
signs of heaven.
And he
wrote it down and said nothing about it,' for he was afraid
to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on
account of it.