- Three Levels of Masonary - Peru

Cuzco has
a claim to be one of the oldest cities in the world, as almost
as much of its still standing architecture is ancient Peruvian
as modern; the ancient portions however, seldom extending above
the lower courses. But in one narrow street at least, the Callejon
de Loreto, the prehistoric masonry towers up to a height of
20 feet or more throughout the whole of its length and on both
sides, a wonderful vision of strength and durability. In parts
of the town three separate strata may be seen; first a fe courses
of polygenal masonry, next a layer of Inca architecture consisting
of smaller and squared but still beautifully laid blocks, and
finally, to crown the whole, some haphazard and flimsy dwelling
houses of today.
From Wonders of the Past