here for larger image
Figure 6
(Up Dated Image) - Bottom of the North Atlantic with Mid-Atlantic
Ridge - The twin-shape of all major submarine mountains ranges
the world over is beautifully expressed in this image of the
North Atlantic..
This gigantic,
now submarine Mid-Atlantic mountain chain extends from Iceland
along the Atlantic into the Indian Ocean and constituted the
back-bone of the Atlantis Continent. Like its branching ridges
its sculpture shows that it was once sub-aerially eroded by
running water. The continent remained above water for many thousands
of years after the end of the Ice Age and was contemporary with
the Old Egyptian Empire. After its submergence, owing to the
constricting influence of the cold bottom-water, the main range
was split in two parallel ones, by the same agency and separated
by a deep and narrow V valley. (Constriction is a nuclear force
and accordingly one of extreme magnitude).
The proved
subsidence of the range in Post Glacial time and its cleavage
as only narrowly V-shaped in cross section are two facts disclaiming
the correctness of the theories of continental drift and of
spreading sea floors. A raising magna flow from below, either
from convection currents or from so-called mantle plumes, would
raise and not sink a mountain rang and also bring its two split
parts wider and wider apart by the supposed spreading sea-floors.
The age of the magmatic rocks dredged from the range shows that
it was thrust up in the Miocene, some 10 to 20 million years
The twin
ranges ought thus to have had ample time to be widely separated.
The constriction theory alone can explain all movements in the
earths crust in a natural way without resorting to hypothetical
forces and the results are sustained by observations. The drift
and spreading floor theories are founded on hypothesis only
without such confirmations. Paleomagnetism, parallel magnetic
anomalies and the congruence between the African and South American
coast can be explained without these latter Theories.
From Atlantis:
A Verifiable Myth by Professor Rene Malaise (1972)