The Golden Age Project
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Healing Addictions Without Drugs
Barbara Joy O'Brien in conversation with Edmund Marriage
Barbara Joy O'Brien talks about Christian O'Brien's letters to his mother
Interview with Edmund Marriage
Barbara Joy O’Brien Interview with Hugh Newman on the Wandlebury Enigma
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The whirling descent of the spaceship of Nommo.
The Sirius Mystery
by Robert Temple
Tribal History Index
You Tube Video
The Shining Ones
Video Interview BJ O Brien
Ancient Technology
The Genius of the Few
Garden of Eden
Subjects Index
Conference Dates
Recommended Reading
Learning from History
Substantial Evidence
A single benevolent source for law and subsequent religions
An alternative translation of the Genesis text
Translation of the much earlier archaic cuneiform Sumerian Kharsag Epics
Sophistication of the Garden of Eden - Chronicles of Enoch
Location of the Garden of Eden - Southern Lebanon
The diffusion of civilisation and agriculture from Southern Lebanon around the world in archaic times
Evolving through the City State system of social administration, based on the Divine Laws of An and Enlil
The advanced archaic worldwide civilization of the Shining Ones
Scientific analysis of megalithic structures confirm observational astronomy c2,500 BC
Episodic global catastrophe and climate change
Yahweh or Jehovah a real person. Leader of the Shining Ones
Jesus teaching of the Surat (soul) Shabd (word) Yoga (union) to his inner circle of disciples
Jesus as the husband of Mary Magdalene and the father of their three children
Jesus' attempt to restore the tradition of monarchy and good government, though the Grail Code.
Jesus as a perfect living master in the tradition of the ancient world, as one of the many sons of the One God
The establishment of the first church in Britain in AD 63
Phaistos Disc - archaic picture & symbol language of eme-an translated by Christian O'Brien
The scientific concept of a guiding influence upon mankind from a spiritual dimension
The geological proof of the former existence of a large area of land above sea level on the Mid Atlantic Ridge
A survey of the Island of Atlantis